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  Strip all Non Standard ASCII characters from a String

  Function:    XPhexStrip()

  Syntax:      XPhexStrip(cString) --> cStrippedString

  Arguments:   <cString> is any string. The result is a String
               where all non ASCII chacacters have been replaced by
               dots ('.').

               Non ASCII characters are the characters 0 through 31, and
               all characters above 128.

  Returns:     See arguments.

  Usage:       XPhexStrip("AB") --> "AB"
               XPhexStrip(chr(255)+'Pepijn'+chr(0)+chr(1)) --> ".Pepijn.."

See Also: XPhex2Bin() XPbin2Hex()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson